Wednesday, October 17, 2007

USU students at their finest

Disclaimer: Do not judge all USU students by the actions and/or words of one.

In my health education class, our professor chooses a couple of people each day to answer some random questions. It is his way of making the awkward first day of school, last ALL SEMESTER. People usually say ridiculous things and make fools of themselves, but last Wednesday one girl one-upped everyone. Her question was "If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?" Her answer "ummmm, probably like mmmmmm, Justin Timberlake..............or like Jesus." Seriously, as if the answer Justin Timberlake wasn't embarrassing enough.


Anonymous said...

Like , whatever kell, Jtimberlake totally brought sexy back, he would be number 3 on my who to meet list right after David (The HOFF) Hasselhoff and Jar Jar Binks.

TyandBre said...

He would be my number one after his "junk in the box" music video! What more could you want? Well I guess Jesus may come close...

(I think I might get struck by lightning after that one)

But, on a serious note, I would totally choose Jesus. :)

miranda said...

Come on Kell- you know you would have said the same thing!!! :)
Love ya!

Rachel said...

Was she a Miss Teen contestant? Sounds like she could have given Miss Teen South Carolina a run for her money. See if she'll recreate it for you so you can post it on You Tube!

What class was this and why are YOU in any class with someone so stupid?

Rachel said...
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Unknown said...

i am almost speechless. aren't they one in the same? was that okay? too good to be true. thanks for not taking the wierd dance serious. i was a little creeped out by people who did. i miss school and wierd people in classes.
love you, ashli

wild murdocks said...

Like, Justin Timberlake, is like, totally unacceptable. Jesus on the other hand is a great answer even from an unreligious, historical viewpoint.

And tyty&be, I think there's a dark cloud overhead. Step one, cut a hole in the box...

Anonymous said...

Tiff and I just got back from "Into the Wild" We both really liked it and the soundtrack is fantastic. Just thought you would like to know.

miranda said...

Just thought I'd let you know all of your books came! So if you ever decide to come home again I'll get them to you!! :)
Love ya! Like Seriously!!

- Have you been watching Grey's??

miranda said...

Did you hear the news??? Dumbledore is gay??!!???

McKell said...

Miranda, you guys are so funny. You all made fun of me when I came home every weekend and now that I stayed up here for a couple, everyone is giving me crap about not coming down. You guys are so hard to please. Thank you for getting my books, and are you talking about the dumbledore actor? hmmm... interesting.

miranda said...

OK Kelll, we drew names for Christmas and you have....Ty and Bre!!!
Love ya!