Today was my last day student teaching at little old Central Elementary. My very sweet cooperating teacher gave me such cute keepsakes and she even had all of the students write letters to me and put them in a book. I read them after I got home today and could not stop laughing after I read this one. Does this mean I am a crappy teacher?
And just to prove that I am not a crappy teacher I am posting two other letters that were a little more grammatically correct.
Kell, Good Luck and have a great time down under.
Love ya,
i thinc yu r a gud ticher two.
I'll call you before you head to the other side of the world and one question I have never heard the answer to is if the country you are going to is called new zealand, where is old zealand?
Those letters are so sweet!! We're so excited for you, I bet your off in dreamland sleeping with that sweet neck pillow I borrowed you! Love you!
Hahahahahaha! I think you are a great teacher. Even if all your students graduate illiterate and incompetent. You are still very pretty.
That first letter is CLASSIC! I have been laughing over it for awhile now. AWESOME!
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